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دانلود کتاب Prepectoral Techniques in Reconstructive Breast Surgery 2020 ( PDF)

150,000 تومان
99,000 تومان
34 % تخفیف
کد : 2073

نام کتاب: Prepectoral Techniques in Reconstructive Breast Surgery First Edition, Kindle Edition
نويسنده/نويسندگان: Allen Gabriel , Maurice Y. Nahabedian , Steven R. Sigalove , G. Patrick Maxwell , Allen Gabriel
سال انتشار: 2020
نوع فايل: ORIGINAL PDF
حجم فايل: 62MB
تعداد صفحات : 567
ناشر : Wolters Kluwer Health
شابک : 9781496388278
نسخه چاپی تمام رنگی ، با کیفیت بالا ،جلد هارد

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The practice of tissue expander/implant based pre-pectoral breast reconstruction holds great promise for superior cosmetic results, less pain, and a shorter recovery period. Pre-Pectoral Techniques in Reconstructive Breast Surgery is the first reference to cover this timely area in depth, offering step-by-step descriptions of current procedures.

Editorial Reviews


"This book outlines the rationale, scientific basis, and techniques of tissue expander/implant-based prepectoral breast reconstruction surgery.
The intended audience is reconstructive breast surgeons.
Each chapter begins with key points. Topics are succinctly presented in a manner that is easy to comprehend. The authors first offer a historical perspective on breast implant placement. The subsequent chapters then discuss acellular dermal matrix incorporation; guiding principles in mastectomy and nipple sparing techniques along with optimal placement of the incisions for these procedures.  A chapter on assessing tissue viability is followed by a discussion of various prepectoral implant approaches and accompanying ancillary procedures that have been found to be beneficial for the reconstructive breast surgery patient. These procedures include: breast reconstruction with and without acellular dermal matrix; data that corroborates that prepectoral placement is optimal; fat grafting; patient selection and the use of this modality in the high body mass index individual; timing for reconstruction with consideration of radiation, tissue expansion, conversion of implants to another plane; and complications and postoperative considerations, along with cancer surveillance unique to the prepectoral placement of implants. The last chapter highlights the economic rationale for this technique.
The authors present a sound alternative for breast reconstruction which may shift surgeons from the reconstructive techniques they have previously employed."
Weighted Numerical Score: 80 - 3 Stars
  --This text refers to the hardcover edition.