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دانلود کتاب Microsurgery Manual for Medical Students and Residents: A Step-by-Step Approach 2021 (ORIGINAL PDF)

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34 % تخفیف
کد : 2180
انتخاب ها:

نام کتاب: Microsurgery Manual for Medical Students and Residents: A Step-by-Step Approach 1st ed. 2021 Edition

نويسنده/نويسندگان: Arbak Khachatryan (Author), Artur Tevosyan
سال انتشار: 2021
نوع فايل: ORIGINAL PDF
حجم فايل: 62MB
تعداد صفحات : 199
ناشر : Springer
شابک : 9783030735302
نسخه چاپی تمام رنگی ، با کیفیت بالا ،جلد هارد



This book provides a practically applicable guide on how to develop essential microsurgery skills and successfully perform a range of procedures. Emphasis is placed within each chapter on equipping the reader with the necessary information to enable them to develop a strong foundational knowledge of every technique covered with clear step-by-step guides on how to perform a range of methodologies. Helpful tips are provided on how to avoid common pitfalls and enhance skill acquisition. Accompanying video material also reinforces the key points detailed. Topics covered include how to develop skills utilizing the porcine model of flap harvesting along with the use of animal models for techniques such as vascular anastomoses, anesthesia, and exposure of relevant recipient vessels.  

Microsurgery Manual for Medical Students and Residents is a detailed resource on how to acquire core microsurgery skills, making it an ideal resource for medical students and trainees seeking a resource on how to further develop their skills.

Editorial Reviews

From the Back Cover

This book provides a practically applicable guide on how to develop essential microsurgery skills and successfully perform a range of procedures. Emphasis is placed within each chapter on equipping the reader with the necessary information to enable them to develop a strong foundational knowledge of every technique covered with clear step-by-step guides on how to perform a range of methodologies. Helpful tips are provided on how to avoid common pitfalls and enhance skill acquisition. Accompanying video material also reinforces the key points detailed. Topics covered include how to develop skills utilizing the porcine model of flap harvesting along with the use of animal models for techniques such as vascular anastomoses, anesthesia, and exposure of relevant recipient vessels.  

Microsurgery Manual for Medical Students and Residents is a detailed resource on how to acquire core microsurgery skills, making it an ideal resource for medical students and trainees seeking a resource on how to further develop their skills.

About the Author

Arbak ​Khachatryan is a medical student at Sechenov University, Moscow, in the Russian Federation. Founder of Microsurgical Laboratory for medical students and residents in Sechenov University. Organizer of microsurgical courses for novice microsurgeons. Founder of surgical school “ClampSurgery”. He is interested in oral and maxillofacial surgery and reconstructive surgery and is currently a surgical assistant. Author of illustrations for this manual.

Artur Tevosyan is a medical student at Sechenov University, Moscow, Russian Federation. Co-founder of Microsurgical Laboratory for medical students and residents in Sechenov University. Organizer of master classes in basic microsurgical skills. He is interested in plastic and reconstructive microsurgery, breast oncology and is currently a surgical assistant.

David Novoselskiy is a medical student at Sechenov University, Moscow, in the Russian Federation. Organizer of a theoretical course and lectures on basic microsurgical skills. Production of video materials for this manual.

Gevorg Arakelyan is a medical student at Sechenov University, Moscow, Russian Federation. Founder of Microsurgical Laboratory for medical students in Yerevan State Medical University, Yerevan, Armenia. He is interested in oral and maxillofacial surgery and head and neck oncology. He is currently a surgical assistant.

Alexey Yushkevich is a medical student at Sechenov University, Moscow, in the Russian Federation. Organizer of master classes in basic microsurgical skills. He is interested in plastic and reconstructive microsurgery, breast oncology. Author of illustrations for this manual.

David Nazarian is a Head of maxillofacial and reconstructive surgery department of FSBI NMRCO FMBA Russia. Founder of “NKclinic” and microsurgical training center “Supermicrosurgery” Moscow, Russia. He is a surgeon with expertise in reconstruction of middle zone of face with congenital and post-traumatic deformities with temporomandibular autografts; reconstruction of extensive defects of upper and lower jaws with microsurgical transplants; reconstruction of jaws using the latest 3D modeling and microsurgical techniques; orthognathic surgery; dentoalveolar surgery; and dental implantology.