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دانلود کتابThrombosis in Cancer: A Medical Professional's Guide to Cancer Associated Thrombosis 2021 (ORIGINAL PDF)

270,000 تومان
کد : 2248

نام کتاب: Thrombosis in Cancer: A Medical Professional's Guide to Cancer Associated Thrombosis Kindle Edition
نويسنده/نويسندگان: Nishraj Basnet (Author), Shiva Shrotriya

سال انتشار: 2021
نوع فايل: ORIGINAL PDF
ناشر : Bentham Science Publishers
شابک : 9780323765336
نسخه چاپی تمام رنگی ، با کیفیت بالا ،جلد هارد


Ever since the association between cancer and thrombosis was reported by Jean-Baptiste Bouillaud in the early 19th century, cancer-associated thrombosis has remained a challenging domain of cancer management. Thrombosis can at times be a lead to cancer diagnosis, while it often complicates medical situations as a coexisting disorder. In this handbook, the contributors have compiled comprehensive information on the subject to provide the reader a comprehensive review of current medical literature and guidelines for cancer-associated thrombosis. Key Features -clinically oriented text for application in healthcare settings -current, evidence-based literature reviews and references -includes guidelines on VTE prophylaxis, heparin effects and more -includes information about special cases Thrombosis in Cancer: A Medical Professional's Guide to Cancer Associated Thrombosis is an informative handbook for a broad range of readers in medicine, including generalists, residents, and graduate-level trainees.



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