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کتاب آزمون پرومتریک میکروبیولوژی MICROBIOLOGIST MCQ QUESTIONS | PROMETRIC EXAM BOOK – ۲۰۲۳

کد : 4693

کتاب آزمون پرومتریک میکروبیولوژی MICROBIOLOGIST MCQ QUESTIONS | PROMETRIC EXAM BOOK – ۲۰۲۳

 قابل توجه پزشکان محترمی که قصد قبولی در آزمون های کشورهای خلیج فارس مثل امارات، لبنان و … را دارند.
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Rapid Access Guide
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Microbiologist Prometric Exam MCQ 2023

Product Details – ۲۰۲۳ Edition

Hard Copy Book

  • Paperback: 646 pages
  • Total Questions: 2250
  • Practice Tests: 10
  • Printing: Black and White
  • Product Weight: 2 KG
  • Product Dimensions: 8.5 x 2.1 x 11.5 inches

Online Subscription (Instant Access)

  • Price: 69$
  • Total Questions: 2250
  • Practice Tests: 11
  • Validity: 8 Months from the date of purchase
  • Explanations: Detailed Explanations for effective learning
  • Update Frequency: Every Year
  • Success Rate: Over 80%
  • Source: Previous exams and, All topic wise questions
  • Topics: For all Prometric Exams in Gulf Countries
  • Recommendation: Most recommended book for all Prometric Exam
  • Language: English
  • Publisher: Medical Exam Books – Rapid Access Guide Publishers™

An ISO 9001:2015 Company

Book Description – Microbiologist Prometric Exam Study Materials

Microbiologist Prometric Exam MCQ ۲۰۲۳ has been developed by our professional team; Rapid Access Guide is the best seller book for all Gulf Countries Exams since 2000. It has an array of all topics; thousands of updated questions with correct answers and explanations certainly will help you to pass the exam at the very first attempt.

Job Application – General overview

There are many hospitals and Clinics in gulf Countries that have a Microbiology specialty in their Medical Labs. You need to pass the Prometric exams to apply for a job in gulf countries. Generally, the minimum experience required is three years. You can visit the respective Health Authority websites to find the eligibility criteria. Once you have passed the exam, you can contact them for a job interview—some of them recruiting directly, and many of them taking interviews online. The Prometric Application and Dataflow process is the most important factor while doing registration. Finishing it without any mistakes is very important, or it will lead to the rejection of the application. Dataflow takes typically 30 to 45 days to issue the report. You can proceed with the exam booking if it is a positive report. If it is a negative dataflow report, you can still contact them for re-evaluation. If it is a genuine reason, they will verify your certificate again. Meanwhile, Rapid Access Guide Publishers are providing the Prometric Exam booking and Dataflow process on behalf of you.

The below documents are required for proceeding with the exam booking process.

  • A recent photograph (passport size)
  • Copy of your valid passport.
  • Your educational qualification certificates.
  • Your experience certificates.
  • Practice license or registration(From your Home / Working country)
  • The Good Standing Certificate (GSC)
  • A medical fitness test in case the applicant is aged 65 and above.

This MCQ-based Reviewer book is beneficial for the following Prometric exams.

  1. DHA(DOH) Exam – Dubai Health Authority.
  2. MOH Exam– Ministry of Health, Sharjah, UAE.
  3. DHCC Exam – Dubai Healthcare city.
  4. HAAD Exam– Health Authority of Abu Dhabi. (Pearson VUE Test)
  5. NHRA Exam – National Health Regulatory Authority, Bahrain.
  6. QCHP Exam – Qatar Council for Healthcare Practitioners. ( Qatar Prometric)
  7. SMLE Exam – Saudi Medical Licensing Exam. (Saudi Prometric)
  8. OMSB Exam – Oman Medical Specialty Board. (Oman Prometric)
  9. Ministry of Health – Kuwait

You are here: Microbiologist Prometric Exam MCQ 2023

If you are looking for a reliable and comprehensive resource to help you prepare for your upcoming microbiology exam, look no further than the Prometric Exam Book. This book contains over 2,250 questions and answers, covering all of the major topics that you will need to know for the test. The questions are mixed by all topics, making it easy to prepare exactly like the real prometric exam. In addition, the book includes a practice exam to help you gauge your knowledge and skills. With the Rapid Access Guide Prometric Exam Book, you can be confident that you are well-prepared for your upcoming exam.


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