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دانلود کتابFibroid Uterus: Surgical Challenges in Minimal Access Surgery2020(ORIGINAL PDF)

190,000 تومان
کد : 1533

نام کتاب:Fibroid Uterus: Surgical Challenges in Minimal Access Surgery
نويسنده/نويسندگان: Rooma Sinha (Editor), Arnold Advincula (Editor), Kurian Joseph
سال انتشار: 2020
نوع فايل: ORIGINAL PDF
حجم فايل: 62MB
تعداد صفحات : 200
ناشر : CRC Press

This book on fibroid uterus focuses on surgical challenges in minimal access surgery that a surgeon faces while treating this condition. This book explores the role of various imaging modalities in both diagnosis and planning of the treatment. Various surgical techniques, such as hysteroscopy, laparoscopy, and robotic are discussed which will help readers to understand the pros and cons of each one. Teaching practical tips from experts regarding these procedures, the book aims to help surgeons make clinical decisions while they choose surgical procedures for their patients in various clinical settings. The book highlights both the conservative (techniques of myomectomy) and hysterectomy by various methods for treating fibroids.

    • How to use various imaging modalities for preoperative evaluation of fibroids


    • Issues in preoperative counseling and consent before surgery for fibroids


    • Overview of surgical treatment of fibroids


    • Individual chapters on practical tips by experts for various surgical techniques used for both myomectomy and hysterectomy


    • Discusses the controversy in morcellation and how to perform it safely


    • Covers the problem of parasitic fibroids that have increased in recent times


    • Discusses issues like breach in endometrial cavity during myomectomy, surgery for adenomyosis, uterine rupture and recurrence after myomectomy


  • When to call it a day and convert from laparoscopy to laparotomy