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دانلود کتاب Atlas of Gynecologic Pathology: A Pattern-Based Approach 1st Edition 2024 (Epub+ PDF)

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کد : 4762

نام کتاب: Atlas of Gynecologic Pathology: A Pattern-Based Approach 1st Edition


نويسنده/نويسندگان: Tricia A. Numan MD (Author)
نوع فايل:Epub+Pdf
سال انتشار: 2024
ناشر : LWW
شابک :9781975124762


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Closely mirroring the daily sign-out process, Atlas of Gynecologic Pathology: A Pattern-Based Approach, by Dr. Tricia A. Numan (co-author of Diagnosis of Endometrial Biopsies and Curettings, A Practical Approach), is a highly illustrated, efficient guide to accurate diagnosis. This practical reference uses a proven, pattern-based approach to clearly explain how to interpret challenging cases by highlighting red flags in the clinical chart and locating hidden clues in the slides. Useful as a daily “scope-side guide,” it features numerous clinical and educational features that help you find pertinent information, reach a correct diagnosis, and assemble a thorough and streamlined pathology report. 

  • More than 1,400 high-quality photomicrographs capture the subtle morphologic spectrum and if applicable, pertinent immunohistochemical staining patterns encountered in gynecologic pathology, including variations of tumor types, non-tumor pathology, artifacts, and normal histology. Each image is captioned with key diagnostic considerations and includes call-outs showing subtle features and diagnostic clues. 

  • Practical tools throughout the text include: 

    • Tables that emphasize salient clinicopathologic features, management implications, and therapeutic options 
    • Discussions of how and when to incorporate molecular tools 
    • Checklists for key elements of the diagnostic approach and sample notes for inclusion in pathology reports 
    • Relevant diagnostic algorithms 
    • Brief reviews of normal histology that provide contrast to succeeding patterns 
    • “Pearls and Pitfalls” and “Near Misses” sections with lessons from real life sign-out experience  
    • “Frequently Asked Questions” sections that discuss common diagnostic dilemmas  
    • “Sample Note” sections that offer a template of how to synthesize complicated or especially challenging topics 
    • Comprehensive quiz provides experience with high-yield, board-style teaching topics 

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